Alcohol Laws For Alaska

Most communities have more restrictive laws, ranging from restrictions on operating hours to bans on sale and possession. Sellers/servers may not, for any reason, give a person alcohol for free or sell it for less than its cost. Sellers/servers may drink while on duty, but no intoxicated person may remain on the premises, so an impaired server could be arrested. Honestly that seems pretty harsh.

Can I drink outside of the bar?
Nope. Where do you think you are, Bourbon Street?

Are there certain hours when I can't buy alcohol?
Unfortunately, there are some restrictions here.
In the bar: 8 a.m. until 5 a.m., except election days (liquor stores may not open until polls close)

What about alcohol sales in grocery stores?
This is one of those places where you have to buy all your alcohol from the state run liquor store. We recommend finding another place to be in.

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